Leeks & Celery

I harvested these lovelies today in the October sunshine and made a vegetable stock with the upper leek leaves and the outer celery stalks. I then made an amazing soup with roasted leeks, potatoes and a garden acorn squash ... some carrots too, not to mention the delicious wisdom of fresh sage. I adapted this "recipe," using what I had on hand. It was a perfect meal to close this perfect autumn day.


I harvested, blessed and bathed the lovely garden roots.
I peeled their skins.
I chopped the roots and placed them lovingly in my very, very old food processor.
I gave them a whirl, added some infused viola apple cider vinegar and sea salt and gave them a few more whirls.

I packed it in a jar and placed it in the refrigerator and there it will please me for months to come!

What I've been up to lately....

What I've been up to lately....
Made some tinctures with my new labels...aaahh feels good to get things organized again!

Harvested a few more flowers and herbs...

To my surprise there is still more brilliant colors in the garden...

Green Blessings my herbal friends!
Ruth :D

OK Now, Who am *I*?

I am Origanum vulgare, but you can just call me Oregano.

Who Am I?

Here is a bit of my flowering top. I'm so pretty.

Need more info? Well, here ...

Does that help?

Who am I? I *am* Lobelia inflata!

Hey Listeners!!!!

Post something!

Surely there's some Green in your life you'd like to share ...

Imbibing Green

If you've been following my blog, What I Made Today, then you already know that I've been fermenting in a sea of ... well ... fermenting herbal brews! This image pretty much captures the state of my little kitchen, as I scurry into my little acre between raindrops, for fresh pickings to experiment with! I have to say, it is GREAT fun!

This past week I've bottled a gallon each of Melissa Ale, Cardamom Ale and have batches going of Melissa Mead, Rose Petal Mead, "Emergency" Mead, Chamomile Ale, Green (tea) (solstice) Rain Ale, Sarsaparilla Ale and Sage Ale. Little gallon batches each!

Next up is Ground Ivy Ale, Bee Balm Petal Ale ... and then ... the fruit meads!

And if this strikes your fancy, be sure to join me In the Garden today (and every Thursday) at 11:30 AM, eastern at Blockhead Radio! I'll be brewing up more green, fermenting talk!


i dont know about anyone else...

... but mine are SCREAMING WITH LAUGHTER at me! :)

My Ides

Today, a walk around my little acre yielded these friends. Nothing foreboding about these meetings. 
Daffodil - just peeking ... so delicate and powerful.

Smooth chickweed - Stellaria media.

Mouse-eared chickweed - Stellaria ... I'll be back with that one!

Plantain - this one, Plantago lanceolata.

Nettle - Urtica dioica.

Cleavers - Galium arpine.

Dandelion - Taraxicum officinalis in the vegetable garden!

Russian kale in the vegetable garden.

Arugula in the vegetable garden.

Sweet Cicely  in the vegetable garden.


Chinese leeks, AKA Garlic chives in the vegetable garden.

Chives in the vegetable garden.

Second year onions in the vegetable garden.

Garlic in the vegetable garden.

Temp Rises and Heart Soars

We got our first real taste of Springs arrival today. Temps were in the 60s and it took everything in my power to go to work. I can feel the Earth stir. I can smell the dark rich soil under the light blanket of snow....if I stop and listen I can hear the trees rejoice and the seeds start to vibrate in there winter beds, ready to burst forth and climb there way to the light. Everything around me sings the song of Spring and my soul wants to dance with the rhythm. Can you hear our Mother's call...would you join me in the dance?


Two nights ago we were talking at the dinner table and somehow it was mentioned that the tea from the beautiful evergreens in our yard made a great tea full of vitamin C. My son asked if he picked some would I make him a cup to try. So after dinner out he trudged in the snow to pick hemlock greens. Everyone enjoyed a sip of tea.
Last night he asked if tonight I could make some white pine tea. Sure. Now, the girls were excited and all three children ran out in the snow for the greens. I made sure that they knew they had to thank the tree for its gift. This time collecting more they all enjoyed a cup.

Green Blessings to a Generous Spirit

Subject: Michael Roland Shaw Moore

Michael passed on yesterday.

Michael Roland Shaw Moore

January 9, 1941 - February 20, 2009

Husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, friend, teacher, musician, herbalist.

So very beloved. 

Mailing address for Donna Chesner:

620 West Limberlost #24

Tucson, AZ 85705

herbal remedy

Hubby has a cold. He decided to stay home from work last night even though he was starting to feel better to ensure he continues to feel better. His buddy was supposed to ride along with him so he called to cancel. Harold asked, "Doesn't your wife have some medieval stuff she can pick out of the back yard for you."

Jack Pine or Spruce

The trees dropped their trimmings ...

I collected them ...

I steeped them ...
And enjoyed a selfless, nutritious and delicious gift of Nature.

Ashe. Ashe.